First of all, how the Janryuumon adventure is going.

Currently 2Dan.
Rating: 1823P
Sparrow Pearls: 160840 (lol and none of them bought)
(all ari-ari) 37%-23%-22%-18% (Average 2.21, Rentai 60%)
(all nashi-nashi) 35%-25%-20%-20% (Average 2.25, Rentai 60%)

UPDATE: Acquired 3rd Dan 1831P. Screenshots in next update, probably.


Ippan ari-ari tonpuu

Jukuren ari-ari hanchan


And now, screenshot of happenings.

7 pairs, 7 dora.

Dealer Double Reach

Nice initial hand.

I love concealed flushes.


Mahjong can't be this nice

And now the hands I lost:

As far as tenhou and the like is concerned... I tried very hard and was managing to pull a great comeback, until some jerkoff decided he wanted to win a cheap hand to guarantee himself last place.

My main has same stats as always, I barely play anymore...

Tokujou Detailed stats

Some happenings

0 Points right off the bat, dealing into a rare hand.

What would you do here?
I discarded 5s and riichi'd, just to deal into a double ron, one of them ippatsu. I get really nervous under stressful sitations. (´・ω・`)

Suu an Kou tenpai.

2fan 100fu!

There are probably some other screenshots unposted, but I'm now unsure of what I posted and what I didn't post. Still looking at my screenshot folder.

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Tonari no Riichi by xKime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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