I began applying what I learned about last place avoidance this month. It is the last day of the month, so I figured I should post my results in the monthly ranking for Ari Ari Tokujou Hanchan, since everyone now had a chance to take part.




Last place % fell down a lot compared to before. I am now 66th place in the total ranking for smallest last place ratio. Feels like I climb up a lot better in tenhou with this. Let's see if I can keep it up.
Hit 9d at Janryuumon.

Also, with the good results I took at the league last season, I got a few good places in the Janryumon Ranking for League!

Within Top 100 for many categories, and within top 200 for almost all of them. This season's results are a little less relevant, but still good nonetheless:

And of course, the results for normal Hanchan Ari-Ari in the Ranking.

OMAKE. Riichi, tsumo, rinshankaihou, dora 5.

It's like I cant lose any life points. Never did I demote before, even after entering C league either. The bad thing about this, you have to keep doing it every two weeks to stay at the league. If you don't, you will have to start aaall the way from the beginning like me. Yay.

Other stats from Tonpuusen:

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