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Yakitori until the last round, then with 9000 points in All Last, a comeback. Oyabai, hassen ooru... itadakimasu wa.

Background Music: bloooomin' - 咲-saki-"

My game gets utter shittier at one point, but I wasn't sure what to do against the other guys anymore. I just started pressing buttons and hoping I wouldn't end up yakitori. It was quite desperating. But still, funny how it ended. I don't think I have many replays as curious as this occurrence. I have one when I ended up last with 7000 points without dealing into anyone AND having won a mangan, which is some awesome tsumo action, but this one was just more fun.

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Tonari no Riichi by xKime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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