I made a new account at Janryuumon, because I wanted to see how fast I can top my older stats. Turns out, I got there very fast. These are my current stats:

41 matches. Style: Protection (Planning + Defense)
1st: 39% 2nd: 22% 3rd: 32% 4th: 07%

Update. I reached 6th kyu and the dragon room:

46 matches. Style: Planning (Dora Use + Open-Ended waits)
1st: 43% 2nd: 22% 3rd: 28% 4th: 07%
Average: 1.978位


Just, some moments I thought were good to post in these Janryuumon grinding.

Good old yakuman tenpai:

Nice haneman. Thanks, dealer, for dealing in with the red 5s and for that kan that gave me uradora.

Where does this hand move to?

A rare yaku, just out of fun, san shoku dou kou.

Anyways, I wonder if I can keep this up once I enter the higher rate room. Abusing small fish is fun, but a head-to-head challenge is also welcome.

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Tonari no Riichi by xKime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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